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“The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.” Is possible to be happy while losing all the things you used to know as part of your life? This book explains that even the most bitter and unlucky person in the world is able to reach happiness just by opening the eyes and seeing what the world has to offer. As a result of her own new experiences, Mary discovers that simple things in life are the ones that are going to make her feeling what a real life is, without the pressure of being somebody she is not.
Firstly, Mary is bitter and spoiled just for one reason, she had never had the opportunity to be in a different way; she just was what their parents forced her to be, a cold, selfish and indolent person. However, once she was taken out of her bubble, she started to uncover her own personality, not the one other people imposed in her, but the real one. Second, by meeting new people, like Colin and Dickon, she saw that life is better while having nice, tender and beloved persons next to you and by opening yourself towards other it is easier to find that slippery happiness. Finally, a simple garden showed her what freedom was, and I deeply think that such event was the one that marked her whole experience, only then she discovered a new feeling in her heart.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that without having clear what you are, or what you want, is quite difficult to reach that so-called happiness. People must be natural from the beginning, by being your self, not representing something others want you to be. I think that the bitterness that Mary showed during most of the book, was just a facet imposed by the way she was raised, at the very instant she discovered how she really was, she was able to open her heart, and be this reaching the happiness she needed so desperately.
I think the same as you, first you have to know yourself, and accept yourself; then you could be happy.